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Taurus Spectrum .380 | Patriarch™ G2 IWB Holster

Taurus Spectrum .380 | Patriarch™ G2 IWB Holster

  • Product Description

    The PatriarchG2 Midnight Series™ Tuckable IWB Holster is our second generation Patriarch holster designed to be used and inspired by the hard work and craftsmanship exhibited by our founder's father and grandfathers. The Patriarch™ name pays homage to their legacies.

    The Patriarch™ G2 features:

    • Vacuum-formed Kydex® Shell for the Pistol (now covers entire slide on most models)
    • Perfect for most Compact, Subcompact and Micro Firearms
    • User-Adjustable Retention for the Perfect Fit and Draw
    • Adjustable Cant and Ride Height
    • Generous Sight Channel fits most aftermarket sights (please note higher profile sights, if applicable)
    • Premium Steer hide or Horse hide Leather Backer
    • Standard or Combat Cut (Fee applies for Combat cut and includes finished leather edges)
    • Durable steel clips that fit belts up to 1.75" (Ulticlip and Discreet Carry Concepts clips are compatible and can be purchased in Accessories
    • Designed to be worn Inside the Waistband (IWB) between the 3:30 and 5:30 position for right-hand draw and between 8:30 and 6:30 for left-hand draw
    • Can be worn with or without your shirt tucked-in. It can be comfortably worn either against your skin or with an undershirt.

    The Midnight Series™ Patriarch holsters are cut from the same quality Holster Hides™ as our Craftsman Series™ but do not feature hand-sanded, or burnished edges. (Finished leather edges come standard with Combat Cut backers). The edges are beveled for increased comfort and provides a nice smooth unfinished edge to the hide. The Midnight Series™ holsters are only available in black cowhide or horsehide, with black Kydex® and black steel clips (M-Clips™) and screws. The M-Clips™ are extremely durable and offer the ability to adjust cant AND ride height, and fit belts up to 1.75 inches. The Kydex® shell is vacuum-formed with a 15-18 degree default forward cant that is adjustable by moving the clips on either side of the holster.

    Patriarch™ G2 is available in standard and combat cut. The combat cut option removes about a half inch of leather behind the grip of the gun to provide a more positive grip when drawing the weapon. The magazine release will be exposed with Combat cut backers. Depending on the gun model, the standard cut backer may cover the magazine release button. This varies based on the size of the gun and location of the magazine release.

    You can customize your Midnight Series™ holster with 10-12 oz. Steer hide or Premium Horse hide. If you are looking for more customization options (leather/Kydex colors) check out our Craftsman Series™ version.

    Lights and lasers can be fitted with this holster. Examples: Olight PL-Mini 2, Streamlight TLR-6, Crimson Trace rail and trigger guard versions, Viridian E-Series, Armalaser TR Series, etc. Click here to see all options and add to your holster. You do not need to add the light of laser if it appears in the product name, or compatibility section, as this holster will already be fitted for the light or laser noted.

    This holster is great for compact firearms, including:

    • Glock 26, 42, 43
    • Ruger LCR/LCRx
    • Sig Sauer P365/X/XL
    • Smith & Wesson Shield/Plus
    • Springfield Armory XD-S, Hellcat 9mm


    Product Specs and Warranty

    Holster Weight: 7-9 ounces
    Holster Size: 8" x 1.5" x 7.25"

    Made in the USA

  • Holster/Firearm Compatibility Details

    Taurus Spectrum .380
  • LIFETIME Warranty

    The Patriarch™ G2 comes with our LIFETIME Warranty*. If you ever experience an issue or failure with this holster, please contact customer service. Your satisfaction is our priority.

    *See Warranty Information details...

Kydex Color: Black

Looking for something special? Check out our custom options or give us a call to create a one-of-a-kind holster!

8/24/23, 6:00 PM


I’m so impressed

"I’m so impressed with your talent and craftsmanship. I ordered with TLR-6 lights and both are a perfect fit. I very much like the adjustability for retention and cant. Thank you so much for the quality product you put out. I know you’re not making knife sheaths but if you decide to, I’ll be the first to order one for my folding Buck knife."



Patriarch G2 IWB

8/14/21, 4:48 PM


Can't go wrong.

"Lots of places to buy holsters, but none compare to my Exarchy holster. Thank you! 5 stars for the awesome work. Comfortable for all day carry and even though I carry OWB, it conceals well under a shirt."

Adam C


Omega OWB

7/19/21, 7:38 PM


Perfect fit

"Fantastic holster. I'm amazed at the fit and finish of my new Omega Appendix holster. Compared to MANY others, this thing is flawless. The fit and retention is perfect for my P320 X Compact and TLR-1 light"

Tom W


Omega A/IWB

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