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Ruger LCP II CTLG LG-497G Laser | GUN+ONE™ G2 Craftsman Tuck IWB Holster

Ruger LCP II CTLG LG-497G Laser | GUN+ONE™ G2 Craftsman Tuck IWB Holster

  • Product Description

    The GUN+ONE™ Gen. 2 Series Tuckable IWB Holster is designed for micro firearms and has the standard 15-20 degree adjustable cant. This holster features our premium leather backer (Combat Cut only) and hand-formed Kydex® scabbard for the firearm AND a Kydex® scabbard for a spare magazine. Due to the small frame and magazine for these firearms, this holster is only 1 inch wider than our Patriarch™ Series holsters. This holster is designed to be worn between the 3:30 and 5:30 position for right-hand draw and between 8:30 and 6:30 for left-hand draw. The GUN+ONE™ is designed to be worn inside the waistband, and can be worn with or without your shirt tucked-in. It can be comfortably worn either against your skin or with an undershirt.


    The Craftsman Series™ holsters showcase our handcrafted quality. No detail is overlooked. These holsters feature our handcrafted premium leather backer with hand-sanded, beveled and burnished edges. Our Craftsman Series™ Holster Hides™ are hand-dyed to order and custom options are available. The scabbard is formed with a 15-20 degree default cant that is adjustable by moving the clips on either side of the holster.


    The GUN+ONE G2 vs Gen.1: The G2 features an expanded sweat shield for the weapon and magazine to accommodate a few newer pistols like the Sig P365 and Glock 42/43. The overall size is the same as the Gen.1. This holster is designed to accommodate micro size weapons, like the Ruger LCP II for size comparison. The combat cut enables the user to get a positive grip of the gun when drawing the weapon.


    You can customize your Craftsman Series™ holster with 10-12 oz. Cowhide or Premium Horsehide with several leather finishes and Kydex® color options to make your holster truly one-of-a-kind. Choose between several clip and screw finish options, including the standard polished nickel or black stainless steel clips (M-Clips™) and screws. The M-Clips™ are extremely durable and offer the ability to adjust cant AND ride height and fit belts up to 1.75 inches. Consider the UltiClip 3 for ultra-concealment or use without a belt.


    Like our other designs, the Kydex® scabbards are replaceable, so buy an extra to fit multiple guns with a single holster!


    This holster is great for micro firearms, including:

    • Ruger LCP, LCP II
    • Smith & Wesson M&P BODYGUARD 380
    • Diamondback DB380
    • Sig Sauer P365


    Product Specs and Warranty

    Holster Weight: 0.38 lbs
    Holster Size: 9" x 1.25" x 6.25"


    LIFETIME Warranty

  • Holster/Firearm Compatibility Details

    Ruger LCP II with Crimson Trace LaserGuard LG-497G Green Laser

  • 14-Day Comfort Guarantee and LIFETIME Warranty

    The GUN+ONE™ comes with our 14-Day Comfort Guarantee and LIFETIME Warranty. Simply, if it isn't the most comfortable holster you've ever worn, exchange it or return it for a full refund of the purchase price (less shipping and handling charges). If you ever experience an issue or failure with this holster, please contact customer service. Your satisfaction is our priority.


    See Warranty Information details...

  • Note About Strong Side Magazine Carry

    This holster was designed for those that want to carry micro pistols and a spare magazine in the simplest most compact way possible and want it all in one package. Strong side magazine carry is not for those wanting a combat style tactical reload in .2 seconds, as the position of the holster does not lend itself to that. This holster gives you the ability to carry your weapon and a spare mag, which is better than not having one, and in our opinion, better than carrying that spare mag in a pocket full of change, keys, and lent. If you're looking for appendix carry with a spare mag that is designed for offhand/weak side carry, check out our Omega series holsters. We also offer spare magazine carriers as a separate product that can be worn opposite of your strong side weapon carry.

Kydex Color
Out of Stock

Looking for something special? Check out our custom options or give us a call to create a one-of-a-kind holster!

8/24/23, 6:00 PM


I’m so impressed

"I’m so impressed with your talent and craftsmanship. I ordered with TLR-6 lights and both are a perfect fit. I very much like the adjustability for retention and cant. Thank you so much for the quality product you put out. I know you’re not making knife sheaths but if you decide to, I’ll be the first to order one for my folding Buck knife."



Patriarch G2 IWB

8/14/21, 4:48 PM


Can't go wrong.

"Lots of places to buy holsters, but none compare to my Exarchy holster. Thank you! 5 stars for the awesome work. Comfortable for all day carry and even though I carry OWB, it conceals well under a shirt."

Adam C


Omega OWB

7/19/21, 7:38 PM


Perfect fit

"Fantastic holster. I'm amazed at the fit and finish of my new Omega Appendix holster. Compared to MANY others, this thing is flawless. The fit and retention is perfect for my P320 X Compact and TLR-1 light"

Tom W


Omega A/IWB

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